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How to Do Social Media Marketing Effectively

Last Updated: 2021. 07. 19

Social media are platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and all websites spread blogs and interesting threads. Social media marketing means using social media platforms to promote any services or products. Due to social platforms' high interactive nature, social media marketing is proved to be a low-cost way for corporations to achieve maximum brand awareness and sales.

How to do social media marketing exactly?

It is wrong to think of only posting random stuff and waiting for comments and likes. Social media marketing requires clear steps and strategies. In the next part, we will show you the detailed steps to market on social media, followed by some practical strategies. Check them out.

Also Read: How to Make Funny Memes on iPhone >

Social Media Marketing Step 1. Make a Plan

Starting social media marketing without a plan is like wandering without a map. You can barely make it to the destination. Most people start social media marketing for the reasons listed below.

  • * Increase traffic
  • * Boost conversions
  • * Raise brand awareness
  • * Improve communication and interaction with key audiences
  • * Create positive brand association and brand identity
  • Strategy1. The more you engage with your audience, the easier it will be to achieve these goals.
  • 2. It is hard to name an ideal number of traffic or conversion growth rate because each field varies. Study the statistics of the past of your website or the competitors'.

Social Media Marketing Step 2. Pick the Right Platform

Wise people like you must have thought about doing marketing on different platforms instead of sticking to one. What are the right platforms? How to choose social media platforms for marketing?

As a saying goes, know both yourself and customers, you will be a man of the business field. Study your customers' gender, age, job title, income, location.

Diverse people prefer different social media. As is reported, 74% of women are on Facebook, while only 72% of women on YouTube. 75% of men are on YouTube, while only 62% are on Facebook. Match your study and statistics below, and you will find out the right platforms.

Social Media Marketing Strategy - Pick a Social Media Platform

Image Board: Social Media Marketing Strategy - Pick a Social Media Platform

StrategyChoosing the right platforms also depends on the business field you are in. For example, if you are running a travel agent, posting pictures of places of interest on Pinterest can be quite awarding.

Social Media Marketing Step 3. Optimize Your Account

Any individual would decorate their YouTube channel or Facebook main page to make it look decent. To increase brand awareness, you should write a business channel's main page a detailed description and a banner. Display posts, videos, or pictures you want viewers to see on the top.

  • Strategy
  • 1. Viewers love organized accounts. Make it easier for viewers to find any contents on your account.
  • 2. DesignCap offers lots of free banners for your channel. Get your banners.
  • Social Media Marketing Strategy - Get a Good Banner

Social Media Marketing Step 4. Create Engaging Content

The content you can share on your social networks includes images, videos, contents, infographics, how-to-guides, and more. Customers like authentic contents that not always went through professional touch. People like images and videos most.

What to post on social media? Try the rule of thirds.

* One-third of your social content promotes your business, converts readers to customers, and generates profits.

* One-third of your social content shares ideas and stories from thought leaders of your industry or like-minded businesses.

* One-third of your social content involves personal interactions with your audiences.

Unless you have a big brand, you won't get numerous likes and shares for one single post. Be consistent. Update contents on regular basis. It is recommended to update one video for each week and images or contents every day.

  • Strategy1. When you post content on social media can be decisive. Generally speaking, the best time to post any contents on social media platforms is early afternoon on weekdays and late morning on weekends. We have a post about the best time to make a post on Instagram. Check it out for more information.
  • 2. Professional video content can be made and edited in a few minutes. FlexClip has powerful video editing tools and free music, photo, video resources. Moreover, it also has numerous video templates for you to edit. Give it a try!
  • Social Media Marketing Strategy - Make Cool Videos
  • 3. Do remember to add links to your sites on the contents.

Social Media Marketing Step 5. Assessment

Goals like raising brand awareness may seem difficult to assess. There are actually certain metrics to see if your social media marketing is effective enough. For example, followers, shares are two important metrics to illuminate your current and potential audience. Website clicks, email sign-ups demonstrate the effectiveness of social engagement. Check the table below.

Social Media Marketing Strategy - Assessment

Social Media Marketing Step 6. Optimization

Optimizing your social media content is easier than ever. Tools like YouTube Analytics gives you statistics of how many people are viewing your videos, the audiences' age, location, etc., where most of them quit, which may give you hints to improve your social media contents.

Besides the statistics, listen to the audiences. They may leave some quite useful suggestions.

StrategyMost businessmen also refer to social media marketing service agencies. Though it does no harm, please be cautious about these agencies.

Social Media Marketing Step 7. Keep an Eye on Your Competitors

Analyzing your competitors helps you to keep a keen sight of your business field, obtain ideas, and spot opportunities. From the competitors' social media content, you may find some clues to get higher traffic and conversions and information about the latest trends.

StrategyHow to find your competitors? Enter keywords related to your products or services, Google will reply to you with a list of websites. Go to their main page, and you can easily find their official accounts on each social platform.

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